We are entrepreneurs, financiers and strategic-partners who make eurekas work.

Start Up. Evolve. Give Back.™
The motto of NAGY VENTURES is based on our proven ability to Start-Up initiatives, Evolve global business and enable our network to Give-Back via reputable, non-profit affiliations.
NAGY VENTURES is a venture consultancy. Our private consortium of entrepreneurs, financiers and strategic-partners collaborate to incubate and maximize initiatives. Our mission is to bootstrap, service and advise innovative business solutions that employ exceptional talent, capitalize revenue potential and ensure corporate responsibility.
- Founder & Managing Partner, Lindsey S. Nagy
- Tweet: @LindseyNagy
- Tweet: @NagyVentures
- Add: LinkedIn.com/in/LindseyNagy
- Follow: LinkedIn.com/company/Nagy-Ventures

Circa 2005, NAGY VENTURES was incepted as “The Venture Evolution Catalyst” under the direction of three partners at 8th Wonder Innovation, LLC (“8thWi”). The venture professionals have since spun-out, placing emphasis on each of their entrepreneurial pursuits and NAGY VENTURES was formed. [“Nagy” means “grand” in Hungarian]. Today, our firm continues to foster startups as well as service client’s public and private business. Our consortium is responsible for the incubation and growth of a unique portfolio of innovations. NAGY VENTURES is also known for promoting the advancement of philanthropy through engagements in entertainment and the arts.
Most entrepreneurs fail, not because of poor ideas, but superb ideas with terrible execution. ~ Nagyism
Venture Advisory
As a venture consultancy with nearly a decade of experience incubating startups and rendering innovative business solutions to evolve core competencies, we provide a well-versed soundboard for your business initiative(s). Whether you are an individual entrepreneur in-need of a team of professionals to prove your concept and help execute your launch; or a global, private/public corporation seeking enterprise, industry-specific solutions, NAGY VENTURES will appropriately illuminate your course of action with backed-reason and minimal risk.
Should we determine an advisory service is fitting, we will propose a fee which may also include an equity-stake in your venture per our service(s). The level of commitment required for our team to provide adequate consultation, ensuring you reach your goals and objectives, will be the deciding factor regarding how we work together to advise the business.
As a client, partner or otherwise member of NAGY VENTURES, we aim to source the best human, financial and service- capital per your specific needs and those of the overall network. The wide-array of talented, trade specialists within our rolodex exists form years of thoughtful networking, privileged access and thorough research. Our professionals’ expertise stretches from luxury and financial services to web/mobile developments. In brief: our diverse, trusted-network serves our initiatives the best practices we need to execute…
One of the key components behind the successful growth of any organization is its ability to develop trusted partnerships, whilst maintaining its own, honorable reputation. Our proven track record developing strong relationships with strategic-partners, as well as financiers and entrepreneurs, is what enables our unique consortium to remain cutting-edge and honest. The professionals within our valued network are sought-after to service new innovations with the understanding that our firm will support the growth of their own initiatives in the process. Collectively, we are honored to collaborate in this realm; thus, we strictly enforce professional etiquette as the policy that every colleague of our consortium must adhere and exemplify.
Per each exploratory consultation, our evaluation determines which resources should strategically-partner with your business. In the event we cannot link synergies via our existing partners, we will work to source additional specialists in the appropriate emerging industry. Fees for services within the consortium vary depending on service type and duration of engagements with our alliances. A custom proposal will be prepared for your venture in conjunction with our strategic-partners.
Business Development
As negotiated, NAGY VENTURES professionals will engage with our clients on the ground-level of their operations to see that revenues reach full potential. While we are fully-capable and very experienced sales professionals, ourselves, we encourage startups (and established-businesses alike) to maximize their full-time, sales team(s) prior to engaging with us. That said, we know how difficult a conundrum it can be to staff reliable, cost-effective, capable employees. If we agree that your company’s products/services are well-prepared for solicitation (“as is”) we may suggest candidates for staff, in addition to other trade secrets and tools we have at our disposal to compliment sales efforts.
There are a variety of service combinations (as well as relevant costs and fees) associated with the tools, personnel and distribution-channels we may propose as ideal sales solutions – what is important to remember is that from our perspective: the proof is always in the pudding. Which kindly means: if an offering is unique, competitive, safe and convenient, the business simply requires the right sales force to seek-and-close additional transactions. If the case is that the business is, in fact, not yet prepared to offer its products/services as described, we advise practices to make necessary modifications prior to focusing on new, business development solutions.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. ~ Proverb
Branding & Marketing
We couple many of our services with strategic-partners; however, it pays-off that our firm attends to the accuracy of our clients’ marketing and branding, in-house. It is imperative to our portfolio, our consortium, your company and also your customers – that the marketing message of your product/service be in-line with the direct mission of the company. Often, companies fail to express the corporate missions they allocated ample time to develop…
The ability to accurately convey product/service messages to consumers is what initiates their interest in becoming customers. If done properly then business development is a relatively “simple” task to execute as the act of capitalizing on the consumer’s preconceived understanding of your product/service’s accurate marketing. A crucial element that many established businesses as well as startups need to revisit with the launch of each new product/service, is that their branding drives the message their customers/clients need to know. NAGY VENTURES excels in brainstorming with our clients (just as we do our own ventures). We harness the enthusiasm and purpose of creating new business; we work to obtain a clear understanding of the value and niche per each client offering…we do what it takes to create exceptional branding.
Before including new opportunities in our portfolio, we perform due diligence to the best of our ability, so we are confident in the venture’s marketability. Once accurate copywriting and illustration is rendered for the business’ products/services, we employ the following methods to help market the brand:
ONLINE = Social Media Management & Training • Affiliate-Advertising • Search Engine Optimization • Search Engine Marketing • Virtual Product Placement • Webseries Production • Website Development • Mobile Application Development & Campaign Solutions • Custom Video-Illustration…
OFFLINE = Event Sponsorship & Promotion • Press Engagement • Transportation Media (ie: Taxi/Subway/Train/Jet/Bus) • Television & Billboard Advertising • Point-of-Sale Print & Display…
[DISCLAIMER: As a Venture Consultancy; not a Securities Dealer or Broker, nor a Registered Investment Advisor, NAGY VENTURES makes no warranties or representations as to any Buyer(s), Seller(s) or related transaction(s) and due diligence by which introduced Party(s)/Entity(s)/Client(s) of our consortium are fully-liable. Any party/entity/client to collaborate with NAGY VENTURES is legally responsible for understanding and abiding by the information provided in this statement].
Be it a Fortune 100 enterprise or a sleepless, hungry entrepreneur…everyone believes he or she can achieve more with additional financing… Some opportunities are ripe-for-the-picking and others lack the right management, solution or market-timing. Our firm will thoroughly review your business planning for expected revenues and operational forecast. If we strongly agree with the proposed ROI, NAGY VENTURES provides a service to perform capital introductions with select financiers of our network. Due to the fact we are NOT a registered broker, dealer or advisor, we have the liberty of working partner-agnostically with global, venture capital firms licensed to infuse capital as well as private, angel investors. We have spent years vetting the backgrounds, learning the specific focus areas and investment requirements of our financiers.
NAGY VENTURES has a reputation for successfully bridging-the-gap between entrepreneurs and investors who are often too busy to seek, mingle and pitch their interests. We are retained to perform due diligence on startups, as well as, ping our affluent network until fulfillment of the client’s investment criteria is achieved.
Responsible Prosperity
This is the process by which our own philanthropic inclination teaches our network to ensure their individual successes benefit community, nation and our planet – through contributions to the reputable, non-profits we affiliate.
As our firm continues to prosper we have the same obligation to “Give Back” -as best we can achieve- that we believe our consortium, portfolio companies and clients do, too. Our professionals allocate time to build genuine relationships with charitable organisations that impress us by upholding good withstanding as accountable businesses. Upon the appropriate time and measure, we request that our network pay-tribute to their success by supporting worthy Causes.
Green Discipline
Today’s technological advancements must comply with strict, political agendas no matter the level of carbon-footprint or energy-consumption. NAGY VENTURES keeps mindful of global ideals when deciding which innovations we agree to support. As investors and entrepreneurs, we believe a business’ overall effect on the environment will evidently contribute to its social popularity and therefore, its sustainability.
We are always impressed by startups or seasoned corporations that take the time to plan and implement revolutionary, eco-friendly practices. We aim to cultivate each of our venture’s customers, as well as our worldwide competition, by sharing what we are doing to join the “green” movement — the development of efficient, renewable and safe solutions.
My tireless dedication I commit to my innovation, knowing practically, the degree of my preparation will succeed or fail my ideation. I am aware, to Start Up an initiative sustainable is not an act of mere luck; only well-oiled machines function worthy of thy almighty buck. My venture, I will practice ethically, despite our use of catchy nomenclature. My solutions, I will Evolve prudently, care of sweat-equity and focus, understanding that deserving, residual revenues never spawn from hocus-pocus. In pursuit of the ideal: my constituency proud, healthy and our customers’ content, I proactively and humbly Give Back to my supporters, our community and the environment.
~ The Entrepreneur Mantra / Nagyism
Our Motto defines our Portfolio...
Start Up – incubated initiative
Evolve – serviced business (via NAGY VENTURES & Network)
Give Back – supported non-profit
Prep Society, LLC
• Start Up – 2012
• Online Club of Preppy Members & Merchants
• PrepSociety.com
Startup America Partnership, LLC.
• Evolve – 2012
• Assisting Early-Stage Business of American Entrepreneurs
Social Help Online, LLC
• Start Up – 2011
• Social Media Management & Training
• SocialHelpOnline.com
PogProd Corporation
• Evolve – 2011
• Retail Solutions: Planogram Production & Category Management
• Evolve – 2010
• Coined Anti-bacterial Products on Behalf of Public Protection Systems, LLC.
Black Diamond Jet Team
• Evolve – 2010
• Seven-ship Aerobatic Civilian-owned Jet Team (L-39s & Mig-17s)
• Evolve – 2010
• Promoted Social Media Recruiting Startup for Stanford University
Affluent Prospects, LLP
• Start Up – 2010
• Business Development Solutions for Financial, Insurance & Luxury Services
Harbour Island App
• Start Up – (2010 … Launching Soon!)
• iOS Mobile Application for Bahamas’ Paradise
• (HarbourIslandApp.com)
National Steeplechase Association
• Evolve – Annual Fundraising & Corporate Sponsorship (2009, ’10, ’11, ’12)
• U.S. Division of Global, Horse-Racing Circuit
Far Hills Race Meeting Assn., Inc.
• Evolve – Annual Fundraising & Corporate Sponsorship (2009, ’10, ’11, ’12)
• Steeplechase Championships & Cancer Treatment Center in New Jersey
“The Crew”
• Evolve – 2009
• Coined by RollingStone; Posse of World Champion Poker Players: Dutch Boyd, Scott Fischman, Joe Bartholdi Jr, Brett Jungblut
REV New Media, Inc. d/b/a Hollyscoop.com
• Evolve – 2006
• Online Entertainment Magazine Covering Hollywood
Hydroforce Group, LLC. d/b/a Powerski Jetboards
• Evolve – 2006
• Premier Manufacturer of Jet-powered Surfboard
Institute for Sustainable Enterprise
• Start Up – 2005
• Founding Participant of Incubator at Fairleigh Dickinson University’s Silberman College of Business
The Family Wealth Institute
• Evolve – 2004
• Estate Planning Think-Tank for Wall Street Executives / Hedge Fund Owners
• Give Back
• World’s Largest Foundation Devoted to Entrepreneurship
Edison Innovation Foundation
• Give Back
• Foundation to Profess Innovation c/o Millennium’s Greatest Inventor
World Vision, Incorporated
• Give Back
• Christian Humanitarians Tackling Global Poverty & Injustice [ Book: The Hole In Our Gospel ]
Luol Deng Foundation
• Give Back
• Personal Crusade of Olympian, All-Star, NBA Basketball Player to Help Sudanese Refugees
Arizona Humane Society
• Give Back
• Providing For Arizona’s Homeless Animals (via GoDaddy.com)
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
• Give Back
• Largest Charitable Supporter of Type 1 Diabetes Research (via GoDaddy.com)
(RED), a division of The ONE Campaign
• Give Back
• Achieve Change Through Advocacy: Consumer-Activist Global Fund to Fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria
American Cancer Society
• Give Back
• Prevent, Treat & Cure Over 100 Abnormal-Cell-Growth Diseases
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